Heaven’s Gate and the Social Psychology of Humiliation

In looking at the Heaven’s Gate site first and then reading the essays, I understood after the fact what everyone else did as they were reading. Even then, the first thing that caught my attention were how outrageous it all sounded, which is something Applewhite thankfully acknowledged in the video that Amy linked us to. What does validate his words is his confidence though, the conviction that what he is telling us is the Truth whether we like it or not or even believe it. That he actually says outright how the rest of society will look at them works to keep potential believers interested. Someone who knows they’re different trying to get other people to join them is much more convincing and likable than someone who tries to play off that their very different group is normal.

It’s how you get Nichelle Nichols’ brother to join your cult, after all.

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Holes In the Mindset: Half-cocked Fundamentals

Strozier’s breakdown of Revelation allows for us to simply soak in the main points of John’s visions without drowning in the language and warnings for morality, making it a lot easier to understand and empathize with fundamentalists, like Colby said. However, I have to say that I find myself disagreeing with some of his analysis of Revelation and also some of what he says about some of his seals of fundamentalism, particularly what he says of the letters and what he also says on the seal of revenge.

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