
Infographics (or Information graphics) are graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge. These graphics present complex information quickly and clearly. 1

For example:

Here are a few sites where you can create your own infographics (for free!) that you can easily embed into a post or share through social media (e.g., Facebook and Twitter):




  1. Doug Newsom and Jim Haynes (2004). Public Relations Writing: Form and Style. p.236.

2012 ePortfolio Expo – May 2nd

For those of you with your own websites on the ePortfolio system, you can enter your submission for the Second Annual Macaulay ePortfolio Expo by registering here.

If you don't have anything yet, but would like to enter, it's not too late!  You have until April 23rd.  Also, don't forget that your ITF is a great resource for help and you can always contact them to discuss and get feedback on your ideas or for technical support.

View the 2011 winning entries here.