Nov 09 2009

Project Proposal- New Visions of Doom

Published by under Jahnielle Edwards,Projects

I realized that my original version of my project proposal was located on my old laptop which is being serviced so this version is somewhat different from the original.

I aim to film a 8-10 minute documentary on current  Apocalyptic theory and understanding in the Afro- Caribbean church. After reading Strozier’s interviews on evangelicals in the twentieth century, I will be adapting the questions he posed to the people I will include in the documentary. Ultimately, I would like to know has the apocalyptic sentiment changed for the twenty-first  century for parishioners and  how this is molded in the wider context of life in America as an immigrant or person of color etc. I will be interviewing Dr. Richard F. Christie, President of the Manhattan Bible Institute and Dr. Steve Jagdeo, Pastor of Global Christian Network along with others.  At the end I might be able to draw some parallels between what Strozier may have discovered and hopefully add some more insight in terms of race, class and international thought. I have had some experience with making a documentary because I worked on one this past summer with the National Park Service. However, I will certainly need help with editing and creating release forms because I am somewhat unfamiliar with those things. Below are a few sample questions. During interviews I work best extemporaneously so the final content will be much more in depth than what these question portray.

Sample Interview Questions:

What is the Apocalypse? Please define this term.

Do you believe that “the end” is near? If so please explain why?

How might one prepare for the end?

How will these apocalyptic events play out? Please describe the arbiters and others who might be involved.

Where do you see yourself and others like you during the events?

Have you any questions or doubts on the book of Revelations? Should it be taken literally or symbolically?

Do you remember first hearing about the end? How did you receive this information? Please describe your feelings.

One response so far

One Response to “Project Proposal- New Visions of Doom”

  1.   lquinbyon 09 Nov 2009 at 3:59 pm

    Hi Jahnielle, I think this will make for a fascinating documentary. One suggestion is to ask the pastors in particular how they regard their mission with their congregations in terms of preparing for the endtime. Also, you might ask people if they have read any of the Left Behind books.

    Finally–Book of Revelation–singular–no s! Be sure to get it right when you ask and write about it. (Can you tell that I have had to say this a million times?)