Aug 27 2009


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Participation: This seminar places emphasis on active and thoughtful discussion, both in class and on the course website. Students are expected to attend each class, arrive on time, regularly contribute to class and the course website, and participate in the film series. Your participation grade will be judged on the basis of your grasp of the key arguments of the assigned texts, including the films, your respect for other class members’ and my points of view (as shown in the way you respond to others’ ideas in class and on the website), and your attentiveness to the discussions.

Mid-term Exam: This will be an in-class open book essay exam based on your readings and our discussions up to this point in the semester.

Doomsday Project: This is an opportunity for you to craft your “take” on a doomsday theme, explore its history and its contemporary context, and engage viewers in a creative presentation of it. Doomsday Projects will be put on the course website by the final exam meeting. Suggestions include but are not limited to: a documentary interview, graphic doomsday narrative, music video, or short fictional film. Include a 2-page Project Statement that indicates your analytic objectives, creative choices, and outside research on your topic. 3-4 outside sources required.

Course Website Entries: By midnight each Monday, you are to post an analytical response of 250-300 words on the reading assignment for Tuesday’s class. You are also expected to read each other’s entries and comment in response. In addition, the website is a good place to alert us to articles and other information on doomsday themes.

Final Reflections Essay: This 8-10 page essay should focus on your understanding of Doomsday depictions in contemporary American culture, taking into account our readings, the films, and discussions. Be sure the overall essay has a clear thesis and bibliography of references. 3-4 outside sources are required.


In-class participation (includes film discussion)—10%

Course website entries—20%

Midterm examination—20%

Creative Project (includes Project Statement)—30%

Final Reflections Essay—20%

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