
Updated Annotated Bibliography

Filed Under (HTC10-11) by on 22-01-2011

1)   Zelazo, Philip David., Janet W. Astington, and David R. Olson. Developing Theories of Intention: Social Understanding and Self-control. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1999. Print.

The information is gathered from the works of peer reviewed researchers who studied an American, scientific approach to understanding consciousness or at least formulating theories that might help its relationship with behavior. The intended audience is typically those in the study of the field but it is written without extended jargon. The elements of theater are intimately connected to one’s consciousness, and religion/philosophy shape it; thus learning about it as a template may inform us how and what is altered in performance.

2) Schechner, Richard. Between Theater and Anthropology. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, 1985. Print.

The author incorporates the work of peer reviewed anthropologists as well as his own study of international theater practitioners. The author is also a director, and intimately involved in production of theatrical works in America, although his background is multicultural having traveled around the world and collected ethnographical data about the subject in relation to religious rituals. His research may help me avoid limited perceptions involving solitary study of Euro-American theater and culture, to draw empathetic ties and learn the similarity between ritual and theater from the perspective of consciousness instead of a particular nation’s citizen. The template of perception becomes more apparent when we distinguish contrasting patterns of action and reasons behind them.

3) Ashcraft, Mark H., and Mark H. Ashcraft. Cognition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006. Print.

Written by peer reviewed cognitive scientists, it covers a range of theories and their progressive development over the last 100 years. The book focuses on cognition theory based on scientific experimentation and data. We learn science’s limit on understanding perception and the formation of an explanation of how one’s subjective reality is formed.

3) Bowen, John R. Religions in Practice: an Approach to the Anthropology of Religion. Boston: Pearson, 2008. Print.

International peer reviewed anthropologists comment on contemporary anthropology’s take on the formation of religion and perception of reality, for what function, and the apparent effects of specific beliefs and rituals through observation and ethnographic data. The book also tracks the development of anthropological perspectives of religion, beliefs, and other foundations of our consciousness. One can then dissect actions, experience, objectives, and reasons for one over an other set as due to an alliance to a particular group of strategies that become known as a religion.

5) Stanislavsky, Konstantin, and Hermine I. Popper. Creating a Role. New York: Theatre Arts, 1961. Print.

The originator of the acting “System” with references to Modern scientists on emotion with the objective to create realism and inspire the “creative state” through performance steps. It is still a widely practiced, if not the most popular source of literature that is referenced to gain terminology in the steps to apply a desired psychophysical reality. This is ultimately a study of consciousness and volition, in what steps is taken in influencing consciousness to reach a particular performance state. This plays into the cognitive research in how cognition works.

6) Ekman, Paul. Emotional Awareness: Overcoming the Obstacles to Psychological Balance and Compassion : a Conversation between the Dalai Lama and Paul Ekman. New York: Times, 2008. Print.

This is a conversation between a Nobel Prize winning Buddhist and an acclaimed contemporary peer reviewed scientist on the perspective of an ethical template for perception and behavior. Ekman exchanges the effects of their application with US scientific standards of knowledge. The objective is to promote peace and awareness without sacrificing knowledge or creating prejudices. The research is a unique blend of a culture’s observations over thousands of years and contemporary research of another culture.

7) Adler, Stella, and Howard Kissel. The Art of Acting. New York: Applause, 2000. Print.

A contemporary regarded System teacher and developer of an application for life and on stage. She deals with the phenomenological aspects of consciousness introducing an action and perception template of expanding the focus of one’s perception in a manner very similar to Buddhism. If it is widely pursed, it may heighten peace, empathy, and a critical observation of the physical world.

8) Gallese, Vittorio. 2001. “The ‘Shared Manifold’ Hypothesis: From Mirror Neurons to Empathy.” Journal of Consciousness Studies 8, 5-7:33-50 The work of award winning neuroscientist Vittorio Gallese, who has published in over 150 international peer-reviewed journals and edited books, suggests interesting conclusions about empathy and the physiology of acting. I will have neurological backup to techniques that are entirely subjective.

9) Jung, C. G., and Marie-Luise Von Franz. Man and His Symbols. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1964. Print.

Jung’s psychological approach to understanding symbology, giving us a definition and understanding the relevance of symbols in perception, because symbols are the interpretations of action, causing reactions, a template is the construction of symbol interpretation, some actions don’t mean to be symbols but will be interpreted as such leading to a misconstrued reality, inaccurate reactions and subsequently conflict over what is ‘real’ and ‘right’. This research falls under a consciousness template construction similar to the objective of cognitive scientists.

10) Krasner, David. Method Acting Reconsidered: Theory, Practice, Future. New York: St. Martin’s, 2000. Print.

A leading professor of System acting whose anthology covers an array of perspectives on the research contributions to contemporary theater and study. Versions of the method’s understanding are laid out, revealing the current state of The System. The research is a tool for exploring consciousness template creation, modification, and the flexibility of perception.

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