Memo 1 redo: waste-to-energy and NYC policy

To: Prof. MacBride
From: Jenny Lee
Date: Feb. 17th (hehe)
Re: Research Paper Topic Proposal

For my research paper, I would like to take a look at NYC’s current policies and plans about/around waste-to-energy and critically review them. I guess it’s first outlining and describing what is in place, answering “what steps is the govt. taking right now and to what goal?” and then judging feasibility, efficiency, and possible other options for “is there a better way to approach this?”
For find the information needed, I will use the NYC Department of Sanitation site. Then, I’ll look into publications/editorials for professional opinions, readings and resources provided by you through this website, and search through the library’s databases if necessary.

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One Response to Memo 1 redo: waste-to-energy and NYC policy

  1. Samantha MacBride says:


    I’m very happy about your choice of topic! You should begin by reviewing the RFP issued by the Dept. of Sanitation, which is part of our Week 5 reading. As you do research, think about ways you might narrow the topic if you feel the topic is too wide. Also, keep in mind the connection of WTE to mitigation/adaptation.


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