Bert and Ernie

This is the beginning


This is the end

Site Template

Site Template is a plugin that allows site administrators to set up “site templates” for their WPMU or wordpress 3 (with networking enabled) sites.
When a user creates a new blog, he or she will be prompted with a list of site templates to select from.  Each template represents a different type of site/blog, like a travel blog, a class blog, a personal blog, a professional blog, or whatever.  Each template specifies the theme, theme options, widgets, plugins, pages, posts, categories, links, tags, and link cateogries for the new site.

Search By User

Search by user adds an author filter to the post admin page.

Search by User can be downloaded here.


Grader allows site administrator’s to grade user posts. Administrators can grade a post by adding a comment that starts with a token. The default token is @grade, but this can be changed through the plugin’s option page. Administrator’s can also add a comment to a grade. Comments and grades are seperated by a delimieter. The default delimeter is “.”, but this can also be changed through the plugin’s option page. For example, the comment:

@grade A. Great Work!!!

can be broken down into three parts. First, the token (@grade) signifies that this is a grade. Second, the grade (A) which follows the token, and third the comment (Great Work!!!) which is seperated by the grade by the delimeter (.). If an administrator grades a post a second time, the plugin automatically deletes the first grade.

Grader changes behaviors in three locations.

1. When Viewing the Post
When viewing the post (not through admin panels), only the post’s authors and the site’s administrators can view grades. For all other users, the grade does not appear and the number of comments is lessened by 1. For the site’s administrator and the post’s author grades appear as follows:


Great Work!!!

Only instructors and the post’s author can see the grade for a post.

The message at the bottom can be changed through the plugin’s option screen.

2. The manage posts panel
On the manage posts panel, grader adds a Grade column. For posts with a grade, grader also adds a “Edit Grade” action.

3. The manage comments panel
Because comments cannot be removed from the manage comments panel, for users other than the post’s author or the site’s administrator the grade and the comment have been replaced by a hidden text message. The hidden text message defaults to “Private”, but can be changed through the plugin’s admin panel.

Download Grader here.

tinyMCE in Drupal

After fighting with Drupal text editors for a while, I’ve decided TinyMCE via the wysiwyg module meets my needs the best.  Not only is TinyMCE easily configurable but it has lots of nice features including a full-screen view.  Also, TinyMCE is the text editor used in wordpress so users familiar with that platform may already be familiar with the icons, etc.

There are a couple of big drawbacks with TinyMCE – it does not integrate with a file browser (like IMCE) out of the box, and it does not have the same visibility controls as FCKEditor.   There are two modules that address these problems.  The “IMCE Wysiwig API Bridge” does just what it sounds like and hooks IMCE with the Wysiwig Module to address the file browsing issue.  As for the visibility issue, the module “Better Formats” allows you to determine which input formats users can use by content types.

TinyMCE also has some configuration issues.  Most notably it defaults to a tiny font.  Gerard McGarry has written a nice post about how to fix this problem.