Professor Lee Quinby, Spring 2011

Category: Lee

Archive for the ‘Lee’ Category

Terrific Responses

These are splendid responses that will engender a great discussion of this complex, difficult, pleasurable and painful novel. The game-playing theme is an apt one for entry, so in class let’s start with it. We talked last week about the novel’s wordplay and Ariana has done a good job of highlighting some of the elements […]

For your enjoyment, from one of last year’s classmates

Here’s a quick overview of Presidential dalliances, sent to me by a member of last year’s Sexuality and American Culture class:

An interim response

Sami wins the most punctual prize for this week!  The 2 posts thus far, Sami’s and Richard’s, are both excellent treatments of all the readings, astutely combining the historical documents, the essay by Godbeer, Foucault’s theoretical considerations, and the novel itself.   This is no easy task, and it shows a strong sense of the complexity […]