Getting Started

This website is built through the Macaulay Eportfolio system.  The eportfolio system enables students and faculties to quickly and easily publish information through the quick and easy construction of sites.  Although built on WordPress blogging software, sites can have any number of purposes from a formal presentation of students’ work to a personal blog to a class website.   For a more complete description of the eportfolio system please visit the Macaulay website.

Before you begin using the site you will need to do two things: create an account, and join the website.

== Creating an Account ==

Users in the eportfolio system have only one log-in but through that login can access all of their sites.  If you already have a login you do not need to create another.  One way to check if you have a login is to go to:

click on “Lost your password?” and enter your email.

If you do not have an account you can create one by clicking on:

Fill out the information in the form.  At the bottom of the form you are asked if for a code word.  This will be given out in class.  If you have forgotten the code word you can email me at  Also at the bottom of the form you are prompted as to whether you can select between two options: “Gimme a Site!” and “Just a username, please”.  The first option will take you through the steps of creating a new personal website, the second will skip those steps.  Even if you choose not to create a personal website now, you can elect to do it later.

===Changing your password===

Once you have created an account you will receive a confirmation email from eportfolios@macualay.  Within that email is a link to confirm account creation.  Click on that link and you are presented with a confirmation message.  That message includes your password.  Copy it by selecting it and cicking on <command> + <c>.

Next click on the login link enter your username, past your password by putting the cursor in the “password” text box and clicking <ctrl>+<v>, and click on the “Log In” button.  At the top of the screen you will see a gray menu bar with “eportfolios@macaulay” on the left.  Select “My Account” >> “Settings” >> “General” from this menu bar.

Near the bottom of the screen are text boxes to enter and confirm your new password.  Fill out this information and click on the “Save Changes” button.

==Joining the class website==

Now that you have created an account, you can join the class website.   To join the website go to

If you are not logged in to the eportfolio system, you will see the following on the right hand side underneath the header image.

Click on the “log in” link and enter your username and password.  If you are logged in you will see a button that says “Add Me!”.  Click on that button and you are all set.

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