gender Archive

  • I am white and middle class, I have always had health insurance, been financially stable, never had to fear retaliation from family or friends for dating someone of a different race or gender. In other words, I am privlidged–something illustrated by the privlidge line we conducted in class last week. 

    Writing about Race

    I am white and middle class, I have always had health insurance, been financially stable, never had to fear retaliation from family or friends for dating someone of a different race or gender. In other words, I am privlidged–something illustrated by the privlidge line we conducted in class last week. 

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  •   Last weekend, I was at the National Collegiate Honors Council Conference.  My awareness of how gendered the space at the conference was began before I even arrived in Boston. A week before the conference, all student attendees received an email from one of the student organizers; it included a gendered […]

    Navigating Gender-Exclusive Space

      Last weekend, I was at the National Collegiate Honors Council Conference.  My awareness of how gendered the space at the conference was began before I even arrived in Boston. A week before the conference, all student attendees received an email from one of the student organizers; it included a gendered […]

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  • In their article Queer Blogging in Indian Digital Diasporas, authors Rahul Mitra and Radhika Gajjala carefully avoid falling into the trap of digital dualism, explicitly stating that “by blogging, [members of the Indian Queer community] have not somehow transported into a “virtual reality” that releases them from social, economic, political, material and discursive hierarchies.” However, what […]

    Gendered Spaces: Online and Off

    In their article Queer Blogging in Indian Digital Diasporas, authors Rahul Mitra and Radhika Gajjala carefully avoid falling into the trap of digital dualism, explicitly stating that “by blogging, [members of the Indian Queer community] have not somehow transported into a “virtual reality” that releases them from social, economic, political, material and discursive hierarchies.” However, what […]

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