How (and When) to Send an Email for a Job Application

By: Anne Hwang ‘23


As you begin your search for a job or internship, you are bound to come across certain positions that require you to apply via email. When sending an email for a job application, it’s important to structure your email professionally and neatly in order to increase your chances of advancing forward in the application process. 


Subject Line

As you can probably imagine, you are definitely not the only person who is going to be applying for the job position via email. Therefore, it is crucial that your subject line is concise so that hiring managers can easily filter through their emails. If the application directions list a certain subject line or position number to include, use what it is provided. If there is no specific subject line mentioned, include your name and the position title.



The greeting of your email is the first thing that is read by either Human Resources or the Hiring Manager, so your first impression is important. When sending out an email to submit a job application, you want to keep your greetings professional and brief. Do not skip over the greetings, because just like in a real-life conversation, you would never jump immediately into a conversation without a proper introduction. Generally, starting the email with “Dear (name or title)” or “Hello (name or title)” are formal ways to greet the recipient. Afterwards, you can feel free to include a sentence hoping that they are well, and then you can continue to the main content of your email.



In the content of your email, you want to be as concise and clear as you possibly can. Remember that the hiring process is a tedious one for employers, so the easier your email is to read, the higher your chances are for moving on to the next stage. In the content of your email, make it clear that your intention is to submit a job application for a certain position. If needed, you can also include where you saw the job posting. Don’t forget to attach the necessary files and information as well! Keep it detailed but concise.


After you have completed structuring your email, end your email with a kind note. In your salutation, you can thank the employer for their time or thank them in advance for their consideration. You may also want to include a sentence expressing your enthusiasm to hear back. Once you are finished, don’t forget to sign off with your full name. Signs off such as “best,” “sincerely,” “thank you,” and “regards” are all fitting for the occasion.  

Don’t forget to read aloud and proof-read before sending!



Lastly, before you send out your email, double-check the time to ensure that you are sending out your email at an appropriate time. Generally speaking, a business email is sent during weekdays, Monday through Friday, from roughly 8 AM to 7 PM. When sending an email for a job application, stay within this time frame to avoid any conflicts and unprofessionalism. 


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