Meet The Artist: David Ellis

Posted on Monday, October 4th, 2010 at 11:03 pm

David Ellis’s brand of art is easily one of my favorites, and hearing him speak about it personally was very art-inspiring for me personally. After learning that Ellis works a lot with motion painting, I instantly though of Blu, another very well known artist in the same field. Lo and behold, Blu was literally the first personal Ellis mentioned when talking about his work. Motion painting is very inspiring to me for the simple reason that it almost magically brings the art to life. This same effect is readily observable in art/sound sculptures that Ellis created as well. The amount of artistic vision needed to create motion paintings like David Ellis and Blu is simply astounding, and it sometimes makes me wish I had the ability to carry out ideas like that. I also like the idea of the “work of art” actually being the “work” that goes into making the motion painting. It never really ends, and it wouldn’t really feel right if it did have an end. I think that Ellis’s work was very artistically inspirational and I look forward to keeping up with his work in the future.

Ellis’s work “Truck”

David Ellis \”Truck\”

Here is an example of Blu’s motion-painting:

Blu \”Wall-imation\”

A Photo of his installation “Conversation”

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