
Basic Astoria Profile

A Profile of Astoria’s Residents
*data from ZipAtlas

Total population : 165,859
Male: 50.14%
Female: 49.86%

Gender Distribution

Age Profile
Residents 65 years and over: 11.7%
(older residents of Greek and Italian descent are left as their children begin to move out of Astoria)
Ages 20-24: 8.93%
Ages 25-34: 22.46%
(the largest percentage, younger working people are moving due to Astoria’s convenient commute to Manhattan)

Racial Profile of Current Residents
White: 59.32%
Black/ African American: 5.03%
Asian: 14.21%
(growing population as more Japanese restaurants pop up along Ditmars Blvd.)
Hispanic/Latino: 26.62%

School Enrollment
High school education: 19.29%
College/graduate school: 36.29%
Education level of high school or higher: 71.49%
(Astoria has a generally well-educated population)

(Most prominent ethnic groups)
Italian: 11.62%
Greek: 10.01%
Arab: 2.45%


Economic Facts

Management/Professional: 31.38%
Sales: 27.13%
Maintenance/Construction: 8.31%

Income (per year)
$50,000-$74,999: 18.55%
$35,000-$49,999: 16.48%
Less than $10,000: 14.14%

Property Value
$200,000- $299,999: 52.58%
(higher than NY state average)
$300,000- $499,999: 20.12%
$150,000- $199,999: 18.95%


Crime Profile
*Statistics from the 114th Precinct
(responsible for Astoria, LIC, Woodside, and Jackson Heights)

Historical perspective (2011 vs. 1993)
Murder: down 80.8%
Rape: down 40.0%
Robbery: down 80.6%
Felony Assault: down 53.6%
Burglary: down 80.1%
Gr. Larceny: down 93.0%


Social Issues

There has been very little conflict between ethnic groups in Astoria as Italian and Greek remain the dominant populations in the area. Even though, Egyptian restaurants and Hookah bars have sprung up along a couple blocks on Steinway Street and younger generations of Greek and Italians move out, there is no violence or tension.

Residents have started to notice the increase in condominium complexes being built and worry about the future of Astoria’s family oriented community.

“More condos being built has younger people moving in, meaning less parking. Just the other day, it took me almost an hour to find parking.”
– Astoria resident, interviewed at Astoria Park

“I was born here and now I raise my kids here. Astoria is a great place because it has low crime. Although, you still can’t let your kids out unsupervised like you used to when I was growing up.”
-long time Astoria resident

Next: Food and Entertainment

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