Nov 08 2009

White Apocalypse and the Demographic Winter

Wanted: More White Babies

Demographic Winter Trailer

Ok so I am not as technically savvy as the rest of the class so if anyone wants to actually post the video to the blog (ahem daniel or john), please feel free. I do not understand , does falling birth rates Europe signifies the end of the world as we know it?! Should the non-colored people be afraid?

One response so far

One Response to “White Apocalypse and the Demographic Winter”

  1.   lquinbyon 09 Nov 2009 at 4:06 pm

    This movement is known as “pronatalism” and is part of a transnational alliance of religious pro-family groups (mostly Christian, mostly from the U.S. and western Europe) that define family in a narrow way and seem concerned about the changing demographics in the west generally, as their own number shrink. Of course they are predisposed to see this in apocalyptic terms–hence the fear level is high.