Fort Washington Collegiate Church

Fort Washington Collegiate Church

729 West 181 Street, NYC 10033


Fort Washington Collegiate Church started as a humble, rented store front, a short walk from its current home, and grew to become a quaint, but present church in the Washington Heights Area. Fort Washington Collegiate Church is a part of a larger group of reformed churches throughout the NYC area, called The Collegiate Churches of New York.

Photo By Sara Gershon

The Church, as it now stands, was constructed in the first decade of the 1900’s, but its history dates much further back. Upon the arrival of the Dutch in the mid-1600’s, the dutch reformed church was established and named the Church in the Fort. This was the official of the new dutch settlement.

Fort Washington Collegiate Church has served its parishioners for many years and has played an active role in community building. It publishes news letters to keep its members informed about the other members of the community. Although it has only been standing at its present location for a century, it has been serving the community for nearly four centuries.


FortĀ  Washington Collegiate Church is modestly constructed. It is modeled after and English Reform Church. It is simple in its design and made of brick. The roofs is adorned with a single cross of Celtic design.

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Its sprawling property is something not often found in urban houses of worship. The property itself is surrounded by a low stone wall with a wrought iron fence. On the property, you can find beautiful landscaping, including some lovely cherry trees.

Photo By Sara Gershon


Fort Washington Collegiate Church plays an active role in bringing communities together. It has a vast array of programs it offers to it community members. Aside from youth and adult bible studies, and bible vacation schools it has programs and services such as a food pantry, a PAL basketball team, and a toddler playgroup. It also serves as a meeting place for those who need it, such a the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts.

Photo By Sara Gershon

It offers Bible study in both English and Spanish. Services, however, are conducted in English only.