Natural Beauty

As I drive my taxi down 8th Avenue, I notice the scenery surrounding me. I stop the car right in the middle of the street and take out my camera. I gaze upon the 5 tall buildings in the horizon. Just by their sheer size, the buildings attract all the attention in this part of the town. The clouds, in the sky, disband in order to let the rays from the sun reach the buildings and shine upon their windows to give the place an unnatural beauty. I tremble with fear and admiration as I stare at the freaks of nature. All around me, I see cars stopping and people coming out to marvel at these structures. Just like everyone else, I am left in awe by the sight ahead of me.

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2 Responses to Natural Beauty

  1. Lucy R. says:

    That’s what I call something big !! Awesome view !!

  2. Brian Smith says:

    Ohh !! Those are huge and beautiful buildings !!

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