Jun 02 2009

24 hours and counting

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With less than 24 hours left before the flight, one would think that I am completely packed and checking over my lists to make sure I didn’t miss anything. But one would be completely wrong. In fact, as I write this, I can see my completely empty suitcase from the corner of my eyes, a constant reminder of all that I still have left to do. But I’m feeling lazy, but more importantly, I’m feeling far too excited to pack. My brain would rather dwell on everything we’re going to do and all the places we will visit, rather than on the mundane details of how many pairs of jeans I need to bring. But I suppose I should tarry no longer, and actually start the packing process.

One response so far

One Response to “24 hours and counting”

  1.   solitaon 10 Jun 2009 at 6:06 pm

    So now we’ve been here for a week–can you believe it?!? I hope that you have enjoyed the journey thus far and that you will enjoy even more tomorrow.