Jun 03 2009

Today’s the day

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In about seven hours my fellow Ghana travellers and I will be boarding a plane. I’m yet to get myself worked up about where it will be landing as I still can’t believe we’ll be on it for 11 hours. When we get to ghana our watches will jump ahead 4 hours which shouldn’t be too bad. I’m more worried about how other new conditions in Ghana will impact me. Having to drink bottled water all the time will be strange. Here in New York I just stick my face under the faucet. There will plenty to adjust to from the time, and heat to the culture and local language.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Today’s the day”

  1.   Danielon 15 Jun 2009 at 11:09 am

    I’ve always heard New York has some of the world’s most delicious and cleanest tap water (which, many contend, allows them to produce higher-quality pizza dough than other areas).

    It’s a shame you’ll have to leave that water behind and go to bottled water. Best of luck!

  2.   Martinetteon 04 Jun 2009 at 4:20 pm

    Safe journey. Enjoy and soak up the culture!