Jun 04 2009

A chance meeting

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Honorable Mayor of Accra Alfred Vanderpuije

Honorable Mayor of Accra Alfred Vanderpuije

Well, synchronicity being what it is, the mayor of Accra is visiting the U.S. at this time.  On the day of our departure, it just so happened that the mayor of Accra was having breakfast with our service partner, Japhet, at a notable restaurant in Harlem.  That restaurant, Sylvia’s,  just happens to be one block from my apartment.  And, it just so happened that I called Japhet while they were still at the restaurant, and was invited to join them. 

So, I happened to stop by to tell the mayor about our group.  He was very glad to hear about the reason for our visit and what we hoped to accomplish this journey (and, perhaps, in future ones).  He also expressed interest in meeting with the group was he returned to Accra (we have a day’s overlap in itinerary so we’ll see).  Since my camera happened to be on me, I thought we should document at least this encounter.  

A picture, a chance meeting, a good omen for things to come.  Indeed, we landed in Accra without incident.  So, we all await what more synchronicity has in store.  Stay tuned for more from Accra!

One response so far

One Response to “A chance meeting”

  1.   Jaime Weisson 05 Jun 2009 at 10:20 am

    Hello from Brooklyn College!

    What a great story Solita! I’m really looking forward to reading all about your adventures there, and to seeing pictures.