Category Archives: 1. Medieval Style Poems

The Temple


Reconstruction of the temple of Jerusalem. From William of Tyre, Histoire d’Outremer.

France, Rouen, XVe siècle Artiste : Maître de l’Échevinage

Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des manuscrits Français 2629, folio 17


Sweat and stones

songs and joy

the roaring sounds

of promise

of hope

a harmonious symphony

full of colors

as bright as the skies

as light as the day




in awe of a beauty

a beauty that lies before them



glorify His name

for it is with Gods hand

a palace was built

with His touch

the beauty was made

with His heart

the song was song

alas lies here

a temple among a nation

an empire among a God

a structure of gold

with a face of something more

—Nicole Schneider

Saint Catherine of Siena Exchanging Her Heart with Christ


Giovanni di Paolo (Giovanni di Paolo di Grazia)
(Italian, Siena 1398–1482 Siena)

The truest form of devotion

Saint Catherine of Sienna floats towards her guiding light

Buildings and structures are pale in comparison

No words are to be spoken for her actions tell all

Both ministers to the poor and plague stricken,

Her black and white compared to his red

The doors of her life wide open

No need to love anyone else

Christ looks down upon her, knowing she would do anything for him

Without him even asking, she gives up her heart

The ultimate sacrifice

-Kristy Carlin

The Lamentation – Luis Feliciano



The Lamentation


The Lamentation

Master of the Codex of Saint George
(Italian, active Florence, ca. 1315–35)


This cannot be farewell, it simply cannot

For us – FOR US, he gave up his life

And we? What have we sacrificed?

His life – we took for granted

Now we grieve, we mourn

We scream from the hills

We scream from the mountains

What have we done? What has happened?

Our sins will haunt us everyday

The thought of his sacrifice

For US? This can’t be so

Come back, would you kindly?

A Medieval Poem

Madonna and Child with Donors

 Giovanni da Milano (Italian, born Lombardy, active Florence 1346–69)

Giovanni da Milano
(Italian, born Lombardy, active Florence 1346–69)

The deceased have risen

With God the Son and Mother

They bend down and praise the Holy Family

At level with the Son


The Child offers his hand,

Clasping the man’s hand in His.

In death, as in life, He is gracious.

All are equal here.


The Mother looks on with loving eyes

Her hand holding on to a lily,

An almost unnoticeable crown on her head.

Neither more grandeur nor glorious:

The Holy Family, a welcoming pair.

-Amanda Puitiza

Medieval Poem

The Adoration of the Shepherds, 14th century
Bartolo di Fredi (Italian, Sienese, active by 1353, died 1410)
Italian; Made in Siena
Tempera on wood, gold ground, arched top

Thou art of alle man fairest to behold

Thou art a man who is stoor

Of great halignis you are

Gaderen around you the good shepherds

To listen to the greet news

And praisen the nativity of Jhesus

To spreden the incredible adorn

And to mark a special day

As you lay on a bedde in a bern

With bankers around you

And red and grene on the walls

With the angels looking down upon thee.

Banker=embroidered cover for a bench or chair

Stoor=Powerful, Strong







Medieval Style Poem

Madonna and Child with Nine Angels

Madonna and Child with Nine Angels

– Segna di Buonaventura, 1315

My lady, she sits with her sacred child
Who seemingly floats in the open air.
Madonna, or Mary, the mother of Jesus
With nine angels surrounding the mother-son pair.
The focus centered on the mother in navy blue
On which all the angels’ eyes are fixed, except two.
The pairs of eyes all seemingly empty
Except for the child, who really sees the view.
Or maybe the eyes are fixed on the child
Whose raised hand seems symbolic of a blessing.
The angels and mother watching over this sensation
The child’s arm reaching, possibly for caressing.
The colors dull, rather than vivid.
With many variations of brown and pale hues.
The outstanding color from the mother in blue
Accepting and heavenly, perhaps a light shining through.
Evoking a sense of blissfulness
A painting so phenomenal and sacred
In the Medieval 13th century,
A picture perfect depiction was painted.