Dr. Edyta Greer, Macaulay Honors College, Fall 2017

Pill Dissolver – Draft Slide

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  1. Zill Ratanji

    When I look at your poster, I am immediately attracted by the color scheme. I also like the box that explains exactly how the pill crusher works so the reader knows exactly how it works in the simplest terms. I do still think that you should make the types of pills more prominent on the poster because it clarifies the point that not all pills are adaptable to this mechanism. Lastly, I like how you made bullet points for all the text boxes so people are more enticed to read it, but you should try and make them more concise because they still look like sentences. Other than that, I would say you have a strong poster so far!

  2. egreer

    Dear Amanda, David, and David,
    In the “Design Specs and Type of Pills” section be more specific and explain what you mean by “Useful for urgent situations”. Explain also how it improves swallowing of medication and why it is applicable to only three classes of pills.

    When you provide more info in that section and enlarge the size of your design you should be able to fill out the empty space available in that section.

    Thank you, Dr. Greer

  3. Jacqueline Butler

    Hi Amanda and Davids,
    I think your poster looks great! Maybe add a picture on the left side and clarify the wording of your “introduction” section. Also – instead of the word “specs” it would be more clear to say the whole “specifics.” Really well done 🙂

  4. Jackson You

    Dear Amanda, David, and David,

    I really like the layout of this poster. Everything is formatted right and it’s easy to follow along with where everything is. The only thing I would add is to make sure that the numbers under “How it Works” don’t touch the line to the right. Also it might be smart to add more details to “Design Specs and Type of Pills” so there isn’t as much empty space. Good luck!


  5. Paul Menestrier

    I really like the overall design of this poster. It seems clean and concise, which will attract more people towards it.
    What I would change is the following:
    -Situ coating: I would elaborate what it is because it’s not common knowledge, or take out the word “situ” (because I originally thought it was a typo).
    -Space before “This” in the third point of the introduction section
    -“Thus, this problem is not solely exclusive to children.” The solely seems unnecessary
    -For the types of pills in the design specs section, are vitamins B and C examples of what can be used or is it that the only pills that can be used are the ones listed?
    -As mentioned in class, would add in the discussion that certain pills are designed for “time-release” and therefore this system would not work for them.
    -Justify “MakerHub”

  6. Deanna Pisacreta

    I really like your poster, I think the design works really well and I love the color scheme you chose. The only thing is the numbering in the “how it works” section is laying on top of the edge of the text box so you might just want to adjust the alignment there.

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