Popular Report:


Zimmer, Carl. “Scientists Are Retooling Bacteria to Cure Disease.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 4 Sept. 2018, www.nytimes.com/2018/09/04/health/synthetic-biology-pku.html?rref=collection%2Fsectioncollection%2Fscience&action=click&contentCollection=science®ion=rank&module=package&version=highlights&contentPlacement=2&pgtype=sectionfront.

Primary Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/nbt.4222

Isabella, Vincent M., Binh N. Ha, Mary Joan Castillo, David J. Lubkowicz, Sarah E. Rowe, Yves A. Millet, Cami L. Anderson, Ning Li, Adam B. Fisher, Kip A. West, Philippa J. Reeder, Munira M. Momin, Christopher G. Bergeron, Sarah E. Guilmain, Paul F. Miller, Caroline B. Kurtz, and Dean Falb. “Development of a Synthetic Live Bacterial Therapeutic for the Human Metabolic Disease Phenylketonuria.” Nature News. August 13, 2018. Accessed September 05, 2018. https://www.nature.com/articles/nbt.4222.