Clickers in the hybrid classroom: It's not just about the technology

Clickers in the hybrid classroom: It’s not just about the technology

What clickers provide is a way to rapidly collect and visually represent an answer to a question from every student; an answer for which all…

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Book Scanner

Book Scanner

We have taken commercial hardware and built our own user-friendly software to create easy-to-use public scanners with special plates so that book spines are not…

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Building community in an online learning environment

Building community in an online learning environment

Building community in an online learning environment: communication, cooperation and collaboration Present rationales and strategies for implementing instructional techniques to move a class from cohort…

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Ethic Media Collective

Ethic Media Collective

Study on representation of ethnic minorities in the media. Students will create short films; several colloquium scheduled with guest speakers. Lead by Ellen Scott, Media…

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This initiative at Queens College focuses on developing faculty expertise in pedagogical applications of electronic portfolios, for showcasing and assessing student work. We work with…

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Teaching Evaluations

Teaching Evaluations

We have been involved in a collaboration with the Office of Converging Technologies and the Teaching Excellence & Evaluations Committee of the Academic Senate, on…

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Undergraduate Research

Undergraduate Research

We provide the technical platform for an annual grant competition for faculty to propose projects for research with undergraduates. CTL sets up and maintains the…

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