Sunday, January 2nd, 2011...8:35 pm

Namaste. My name is Shah Rukh Khan.

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For our second day in Buenos Aires, we were scheduled to see a tango show. That morning we had to pack up all our stuff, which was a bit stressful because we were not informed of this until 10 am, when we had to go to the Tango Show at 1 pm. It was crazy in Buenos Aires because so many people kept coming in late because their flights were delayed.

After a mad dash to pack up everything I owned, we went to the Caminito Tango Show. The tango show was in the neighborhood of La Boca, which is sort of the ghetto of Buenos Aires. When we got there, we were afraid we were going to get lost because every single building was called Caminito! Luckily, we managed to find our way to the right building. The building was really colorful, painted with blocks of the colors red, blue and green.

We were served empanadas (YAY!) as the tango show began. The ladies wore the most stunning outfits and they were really tall and good looking. (Was I jealous? YES.) Tango is such a beautiful dance but they have to move their legs really fast. I didn’t even know that anyone could move their legs that fast. That was crazy!

After the tango show, the announcer came out and sang a song. I didnt really like him. He  was a cross between the Ken doll and  a cheezy game show host, really fake.

The food was really good and we got steak!! This was my first steak in Argentina and it was pretty good!

After the tango show we explored La Boca.  It was tourist season so there were a lot of street vendors selling souvenirs and tour guides trying to sell us tours.  I guess a few realized we were Indian and had their own ways of trying to get us to take their tour.  One bowed really low and said “Namaste.”  Okay, this was funny but then he says “My name is Shah Rukh Khan.”  We nearly died because there was no way that this tour guide (with a beard and ponytail) was Shah Rukh Khan. Like what did this guy expect us to do? Follow him because we thought he was Shah Rukh Khan?! Well he was wrong. We just walked away.  And then, THIS SAME THING HAPPENS THREE MORE TIMES WITH DIFFERENT PEOPLE!! What is this? One guy just walked up and screamed “Shah Rukh Khan!” in our faces.  I was surprised with the amount of knowledge Argentines had of Bollywood!

Instead of following one of the guides, we decided to stay and watch another tango show. This was outside and had a more intimate feel to it. The tango was really good and I enjoyed this show better than the first one that I saw.

After buying some souvenirs from La Boca, we went back to the dorm and got ready for our six hour trip to Mar del Plata. The trip was really long but I was really glad to finally get to Mar del Plata. Also, I have to add, that the stars are really bright. You can see the different constellations!!! Now, it was time for a good night sleep to prepare myself for the coming days in Mar del Plata.

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