“Seminar 1 introduces Macaulay Scholars to the arts in New York City and the Cultural Passport. During the semester, students attend theatrical, operatic, and musical performances, exhibitions of visual art, and other highlights of the current cultural season, and help to create the annual Snapshot of New York City.”

–MHC Web site

The Arts in New York City seminar kicks off with the annual Night at the Museum, a unique opportunity for first-year students to experience the Brooklyn Museum after hours, when selected exhibits are available for exclusive viewing by MHC students. This event, in partnership with Smarthistory at Khan Academy, began in 2012, a video of which can be viewed on YouTube. Using the brochure below for guidance, students are offered the opportunity to develop critical viewing and reading skills through conversations with fellow students about works of art, dialogues they record and then turn into short films at the cross-campus Media Arts workshop.

In addition to the Night at the Museum event and Media Arts workshop, first-year Macaulay students also participate in our Snapshot event. For this event, all students are asked to take a picture of New York on October 11th, to be posted to an online gallery. These images, which capture hundreds of different perspectives of our city at the same time, are then curated by students into an exhibit, which took place at the New York Historical Society for the first time in 2014. At this exhibit, students are then asked to “re-curate” the event using guided questions provided to them.

Faculty are encouraged to use these events as springboards to their own course material. In addition, ITFs assist faculty in creating media-rich websites on our Eportfolio system, where students can blog about their experiences, reflect on their learning, and create multimedia projects.

The following are some examples of past projects that I have been involved in:


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MHC Seminar 2: The Peopling of New York City
MHC Seminar 3: Science and Technology in New York City
MHC Seminar 4: Shaping the Future of New York City

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