Category: MacBlog
Sleep and Sunshine
| April 11, 2011 | 5:06 PM | MacBlog | Comments closed

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It’s 80 degrees outside. 80 degrees! The weather makes me wish it was summer SO bad. It also makes me not want to work on my paper on Education policy in NYC, which is one of my biggest interests. But alas, I must.

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Making Money
| April 3, 2011 | 5:22 PM | MacBlog | Comments closed

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It’s been over a month since I posted! I apologize.

Last Thursday, I too was a giant green highlighter, welcoming accepted freshman into the Macaulay Honors College at Hunter. I hope many of you decide to join us here at the best school in the city 🙂

Someone asked a question during one of the student panels about working. Fear not, young scholars, you are allowed to work! Read more »

| February 28, 2011 | 5:25 PM | MacBlog | Comments closed

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As a Macaulay student, I do actually enjoy my academic workload, at least, most of it. Usually, completing an essay or project leaves me with a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment, because I’ve actually learned something and done something that I feel is valuable to my education (and perhaps to others as well). But it’s still nice to have projects outside of my academic life that can bring me fulfillment. Today’s a good day, since two projects I’ve been working on finally got off the ground. Read more »

A Response
| February 15, 2011 | 5:26 PM | MacBlog | Comments closed

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I unfortunately spent my second four-day weekend of the semester (Mondays and Fridays off, I’m the schedule master!) not getting to most of the work I should have. This time I blame Valentine’s Day, which I celebrated on Saturday. It’s a lame excuse, since I still had Friday, Sunday and Monday, but oh well. Read more »

I’m still in Australia!
| January 18, 2011 | 5:29 PM | MacBlog | Comments closed

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And I’m still blogging! Check it out here:
| December 28, 2010 | 5:31 PM | MacBlog | Comments closed

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More of the Same
| December 6, 2010 | 7:46 PM | MacBlog | Comments closed

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My best friend wrote this on my facebook wall this morning:

“I hope you don’t explode due to stress overload”

This essentially sums up my feelings at the moment, so you’ll have to excuse me for not having posted in awhile. On my plate at the moment: my term paper for HIST 356, (History of the Early American Republic), which is already 18 pages long, and will probably be close to 25 when finished, my MHC 200 (the third Macaulay Seminar: Science and Technology in New York) oral presentation, which is about 2/3 done, and my Seminar 3 poster presentation: the poster is done, and the bare bones outline of the power point is done, so it just needs an hour spent spicing it up with pictures and rehearsing with my group. Of course, all of these things are due/taking place on Thursday, and it’s not like my STAT 213 (Intro to Statsitics) or HIST 276.5 (History of the Middle East to 1800) have just stopped assigning homework.

The good news is, after Thursday, I’m FREE! Well not completely: there’s still class on Monday, and finals next week, but since the last homework and assignments are all due Thursday, I have the whole weekend to study and Monday’s classes are all review for above mentioned finals.

So this weekend, I’m looking forward to seeing the play my boyfriend is stage managing at NYU and then heading to my house in Brooklyn to help my family trim the tree with my best friend.

All assuming I haven’t exploded.

Never Again
| November 8, 2010 | 7:46 PM | MacBlog | Comments closed

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It seems strange that even though I’ve mastered the art of getting out of bed at 7:20, leaving my dorm at 7:42, and arriving to my 8:10 statistics class just before the professor begins the lecture (aka a 28 minute commute, I dare someone to break that record), I have vowed to never again take a class this early. Though I seem to be able to handle a 9:45 start just fine, apparently, 8:10 is just too early.

It’s a good thing to keep in mind as I work on figuring out my Spring schedule. I remember how easy and fun picking my schedule for fall of last year was – as an undecided major and minor, a freshman with a seemingly infinite amount of courses to take, finding a schedule I liked was easy.

Those days are no more…now planning my schedule and preparing for registration is nerve-wracking and stressful. For example, no less than THREE classes that I want and/or need to take are being offered at the same time. And of course, there is only one section of each of them being offered in the Spring. There’s also the little problem of my science requirement, the only major requirement I have left out of my GERs (General Education Requirements) besides the P/D (Pluralism and Diversity) requirements…which I will almost definitely be putting off until junior year. I have a week until my meeting with my wonderful adviser Fran, who I’m sure will help me wade through the muck of course scheduling, for now, I have plenty of studying to do for my second (!) midterms in History of the Middle East until 1500 and Statistics, not to mention projects for the Macaulay Scholars Council (though we had a wonderful and productive meeting yesterday). But more on those later.

Let’s hope by the next time I post, I have a tentative course plan for you, my readers (although more importantly, for myself).

Invigorating Open House
| October 30, 2010 | 7:47 PM | MacBlog | Comments closed

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To sum up this week: stressful. With about six weeks of school left and the massive to-do list of things to get done before then running through my head I was even having trouble enjoying watching Mad Men with my best friend on Thursday night. Luckily, the Macaulay Halloween Party last night was a blast and helped me de-stress a little. And today I went to the Macaulay open house and got to spend a couple hours of talking to prospective students and parents about how amazing Macaulay Hunter is. It reminded me of how appreciative and grateful I am for all that I’ve gotten out of college so far, and helped to re-invigorate me somewhat. So back to work for now, and looking forward to a Halloween Party later.

Enjoy the weekend! As always, feel free to contact me with questions at

MSC, Midterms, Pacha
| October 22, 2010 | 7:49 PM | MacBlog | Comments closed

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Sorry I missed doing my posting last week. I was elected to the Macaulay Scholars Council, had the first meeting on Friday, was working on a take-home midterm over the weekend (which I’m still working on, as it’s due Monday) and had a midterm yesterday.

Since being elected to the MSC, I’ve actually been pretty busy working on getting some of my ideas implemented, such as SING! at Macaulay, a Cultural Passport Scavenger Hunt, and an expanded and improved MSC website. Plus I’ll be helping out at the next MSC event, the annual Halloween party at Macaulay next Friday, which I’ve heard is a ton of fun.

At this point I still have three midterms left (STAT and HIST 276.5 both have 2 midterms, and see the next paragraph) and I’ve gotten two back (just took my first STAT midterm yesterday) – both 90%+, and I was pretty happy with both grades.

The take-home midterm for HIST 356 is kicking my butt at the moment because I didn’t really do as much work on it as I should’ve last weekend (decided to party with friends instead) and I’m also fighting off a killer cold/sinus infection/something that is just making me feel awful. I’m paying my dues though – my Friday night spent at my desk at work and hopefully in bed in not too long.

I did get to go out last night however, at Hunter’s annual free night at Pacha. I took my best friend from Macaulay Baruch and we had a good time, leaving a little early to watch the season 2 finale of True Blood at her place (and Season 3 isn’t out yet! what are we going to do?!?! I might try to get her into Mad Men).

Back to the growth of political parties in the Early American Republic!