The Deconstructionists – Dada and the Great War

The Dada are a rebellion. They are born out of a war that should not have happened and that became the War to End War and the Great War (they did not consider WW2 when making those names). The artwork on the left is Cut with the Dada Kitchen Knife through the Last Weimar Beer-Belly Cultural Epoch in Germany, by Hannah Höch. The Dada wanted to create anti-art that would stand against the rational world that they felt caused the war to happen in the first place. They wished to utterly destroy the other forms of art and use their art as a platform for social critique, not as an end to itself. From this artwork itself we can gather the disorder and irrationality of the post-war (1919) world. The dada could be called the beginning of truly modern art. (It takes a war to get anything started?) Keep clicking.

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