My Favorite…Archive

Feb 21

Loyal followers will recall that Purim is my favorite holiday of all, and that the joy of costumes does not in any way diminish as you age. This year, I got to make Hamantashen with my new family! Thanks for being so great! The original video: May the joy and celebration of Purim continue in […]

Aug 03

Winning the eportfolio expo was wonderful! Here are some of the apps I’ve found really engaging on the iPad so far. Make sure to leave me suggestions for more awesome apps. Thanks you! Hope you are enjoying your summer! – Not to mention the little obsessive, addicting app! Lilach 5

May 03

Following the well-received tutorial video I made last year about phonetics, I made this short introduction to drawing syntactic trees. Enjoy! Lilach 6

Mar 08

A costume holiday spent eating and exchanging food packages with friends, plus non-stop eating of said food packages, plus a holiday meal?!?!?! I’m in!! Purim is my favorite holiday! You know I’m a fan of DIY (Do it Yourself,) so I put together this simple peacock themed costume, mostly as an excuse to wear these […]

Feb 24

This week the Brooklyn College Honors Lounge held its annual Travel Art show. Students who traveled, studied, and volunteered abroad shared pictures and stories with each other. Plus, a cultural potluck! Out of approximately 2,000 digital photos that took  in Australia, I chose five that reflected how inviting Melbourne was by choosing photos that emphasized […]

Nov 28

After living and studying in Melbourne for four months, I’ve grown to love the city just as much as a “real” Melbourneian. All you need to do is scroll through my old posts or watch any of my videos and you’ll see just how inviting and rich Melbourne is: Socially, culturally and aesthetically. Now throw […]

Aug 05

Yup folks, that’s YOGHURT, with an ‘h.’  Which, while i’m at it, I should mention is pronounced “heitch” with an aspiration, not “eich” like norm-I mean Americans. I put together a small video to show you my campus and the recent lovely weather-two things I’ve been getting a lot of questions about. Also, the best […]

Jun 18

My Favorite…Season: Summer/Winter

Posted in An Hour In A Minute, Australia...AUSome! Study Abroad, My Favorite..., Comments Off on My Favorite…Season: Summer/Winter

Summer Fun I love summer, but I also love winter. Wait, I think that means I don’t actually have a preference…or that I just make the best of the weather, whatever it is Either way, it’s summer in the northern Hemisphere, and winter in AUSTRALIA!! So I am just savoring the weather while I’m here, […]

May 04

Welcome to a renewed season of sun-shining, flower-blooming and a whole lot of loud sneezing! Allergies are back, but that won’t stop me from enjoying the return of my favorite flower- Lilacs! Can you guess why? Enjoy, Lilach 7

Apr 13

This is what happens when you minor in linguistics while majoring in an anatomy-heavy subject like Speech Pathology and Audiology! You go crazy!!! Hope you learn something new…It’ll only take a minute. 9

My AUSome Trip