
Working in words I am an escapist; as if I could step out of my clothes and move naked as the wind in a world of words. But I want every part of the actual world involved in my escape. I bring the laws that bound me into an aerial structure in which they are unbound as outlines of a prison unfolding.

–Robert Duncan, “Introduction” to Bending the Bow (1968)

Ce fut d’abord une étude. J’écrivais des silences, des nuits, je notais l’inexprimable, je fixais des vertiges.

(It began as an investigation. I turned silences and nights into words. What was unutterable, I wrote down. I made the whirling world stand still.)

–Arthur Rimbaud, Une Saison en Enfer (1873)

Welcome. This e-portfolio was designed to showcase my work both as an Instructional Technology Fellow and as a doctoral candidate. It is now an archive of past ITF-related posts; all other information can be found on my personal web site.