The First Harvest in the Wilderness by Asher B. Durand

by: Yoselin Paucar and Sabrina Mammen

We analyzed the contrasting of colors and the distinct differences between the light and dark areas of the painting. The background area of trees and wood looked like it had been negatively affected by humans, with unnatural breaks and cuts in the chopped down trees. We noted how light shown on an area in the center of the painting where trees were completely leveled. This brought to light the destructive impact of human construction. We noticed particular features, such as a storm cloud in the top left corner of the painting, which conveyed a foreboding sense of destruction if nature continued to be affected in this way. We analyzed the actual figures and colors in the painting, and tried to find a secondary/ hidden meaning, like the symbolism of the storm cloud, and the that of the contrast of light and dark colors. If we had more time, we would have liked to incorporate the meaning of the title of the painting, and perhaps how the title, which used the word “harvest”, greatly juxtaposed the elements of destruction found within the painting. We would have also liked to incorporate the summary note beside the painting into our discussion, as well what the time period of the painting could have to do with the painting (i.e. the history of the era and if it was incorporated into the painting).
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