Things That Define Me

I live near the trees and the sun, where the sky is clear and blue and the air fresh and gentle.

I love to hang out in parks, especially when the weather is nice. I also enjoy my walk home from the subway station, since there are many beautiful trees along the way which get lit up by the golden sunlight and look splendid with the clear blue sky in the background. The crisp, gentle breeze makes their leaves flutter in a very serene, captivating way.

I live where there is peace, beauty, and harmony.

I live near golden domes and beautiful skyscrapers that reflect the sunlight and shimmer like gems.

Beauty can be expressed in many different ways. It can be the result of natural scenarios, such as the trees, sun, and breeze in the previous example. Or, it can be man-made, such as the triangular golden dome atop a magnificent skyscraper. Beauty arises from balance and harmony, and when people are able to achieve this harmony, the beauty that results is not inferior to that of nature. The skyscraper with the golden dome represents balance between its large height (which conveys might and power) and the gentle golden shimmer of its dome. This balance makes it truly aesthetic.

I live on my bike, riding which expresses the perfect balance between energy and control.

Once again, beauty and perfection arise from balance and harmony. Being a good driver (even if you are “driving” a bicycle) involves being in good control of the large amounts of energy that are generated by the moving “vehicle”. It involves balancing speed with caution, and being carefree but vigilant.

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