Seward Park Library

At the eastern edge of the park is the Seward Park Branch Library– a “four-story brick Renaissance Revival building with high ceilings and arched windows.” (NYPL). This library has distinct floors dedicated to the children and adults of the community, and functions as a popular indoor community space for children.


The reference section has many books on the Jewish history of the area since the library initially served an immigrant Jewish population. Although there are Chinese signs and a Chinese book section, there is very few information on the increasing Asian population in the reference section. This suggests that the change in people in this community is fairly recent.

The library hosts frequent programs and events for adults, children, and families nearly every day.  From Chinese language studies for Chinese American children, to basic computer lessons and knitting lessons, the library caters to both Asian and non-Asian visitors/users. Listed on the New York Public Library website is a regularly updated schedule of all the events.


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