Despite the momentary confusion on how to get the venue, my experience was definitely worth it. Prior to the show, all the play-goers were crowded around the tables in the “lounge” area, where they enjoyed light refreshments and discussed other plays by the same company they also enjoyed, most notably Julius Caesar.  So, after hearing their rave reviews about the other show, I knew I was in for a treat.

One of the coolest things I observed in the showing was when the actors, or “prisoners” were escorted on the stage, which was actually a basketball court, by the security guards. I was immediately filled with excitement, because that opening scene gave me an impression of the show being a combination of Shakespeare, the great writer, and one of my favorite shows, Orange is the New Black (which is also set in a woman’s prison).

Anyway, skipping a summary of the plot details, the play was overall very well done by the performers, and the use of an all-female cast in this powerful story was very impressionable, and set many unique parallels, which made the showing especially enjoyable.

In addition, the use of the simple props and costumes, the modernization/simplification of the writing, and the physical proximity of the actors compared to the audience established an intimate connection between the audience and the performers, which allowed the audience to truly connect with the story.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Ann’s Warehouse, and it definitely made me more intrigued in these kinds of modern adaptations of old works, and it is definitely something I would consider going to again.