On ThursIMG_2972day, September 24, we visited the High Line in Manhattan. We walked across the High Line and got to see some pretty cool works of art (which were only enhanced by the scenery). Of all the works of art that we saw, I think my favorite ones were Physical Graffiti #1-3, by Damián Ortega. However, what I found very interesting was the differences between them. I noticed IMG_2989that Graffiti #1 and Graffiti #2 were suspended against the white backdrop of an adjacent building. Graffiti #3, however, was suspended against the backdrop of the city itself, and was therefore
hard to make out when viewed from certain angles. I imagine that Graffiti #3 was meant to stand out to the viewer when it snows, and almost seem like it is truly spay painted in the snow down below (no rhyme intended), just as Graffiti #1 and Graffiti #2 seem to be spray painted on their respective buildings.