Adding images

== Inserting images ==

Throughout this class you will be asked to insert images into your posts, unlike wordprocessors on your computer you cannot simply drag and drop images into your post.  Instead you must first upload the image onto the server and then insert it into the post.

To upload an image, first click on the “Add Media” button directly above the editing toolbar (the “add media” button is not visible in full-screen mode).

You will now see the “Add Media” dialog.  Click on the “Select Files” button and select which images you wish to upload.  You may upload more than one by clicking while holding down the <ctrl> key.

After you have added the image you may set the title and other options in the textboxes that appear.  You can also re-size or crop your image by clicking on the “Edit Image” button.  When you upload your image, WordPress automatically creates many differently sized versions.  You can select which size you prefer.  In general “medium” should suffice, but for some you may want full size and then re-size it later (see below).  When you are finished click on the “Insert Into Post” button at the bottom of the screen.