Self Portrait

O.   What does Art mean?

I may be taking a trite, unoriginal, and perhaps boring stance, but art is the medium through which a person may express oneself. Art is the byproduct of a consciousness from someone who views the world in any capacity. Art may add to the world or be a mirror of it, but it is an often inexpressible representation of an artist’s psyche — a brief glimpse into humanity, propelled by the idea of human nature.
1.    What is your favorite art form?

My favorite art form is fiction. However, you must bear in mind that I’m a fiction writer and aspiring novelist, so I’m more than a little biased. I think being able to articulate oneself through words is the clearest, concisest way of sharing one’s meaning.
2.    What is your favorite historical period?

My favorite historical period is the 60s, since it brought about an era of change in America. It symbolized the rejection of complacency, and sparked revolutionary ideas suppressed by centuries of repression.
3.    What is your academic/ non-academic strength?

My academic strengths are in humanities courses, ranging from Social Science to English. My non-academic strength is being a somewhat decent writer.
4.    Do you feel comfortable with new technologies?

New technologies inspire me. They reveal new things to me, and allow my mind to think more freely about the world and what’s possible in it. So yes, I’m pretty comfortable with state-of-the-art technology, as long as I know how to turn the thing on.

5.    How would you rate your writing skills?

I’ve been writing both creatively and academically for quite a few moons, so I’d say, in the scope of the world, if Stephen King wrote at a 10 level, I’d probably be a 7, with structure as my main demerit. However, compared with peers, I might fall above that by a bit.

One thought on “Self Portrait”

  1. Nice post Nico,

    If you have not been able to add a picture, you have the option of creating a literary portrait. As you can see both are valid on this blog.
    Glad to have a writer on board.

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