language Archive

  • On Wednesday night, on the train to Boston with two of my CUNY classmates to NCHC (more on that in an upcoming post), Patryk Perkowski asked me if it was okay to say “you guys.” Despite my frequent feminist writing and ranting, I had never really considered the question – and I […]

    Stop saying “You Guys”

    On Wednesday night, on the train to Boston with two of my CUNY classmates to NCHC (more on that in an upcoming post), Patryk Perkowski asked me if it was okay to say “you guys.” Despite my frequent feminist writing and ranting, I had never really considered the question – and I […]

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  •  photo by juanpol Given that World of Warcraft (WoW) now has over 12 million players worldwide (myself included) I suppose I should not have been surprised at the scholarly attention given to the game (don’t believe me?). However, Jessica L. Beyer‘s article, “Women’s (Dis)embodied Engagement with Male-Dominated Online Communities,” in Cyberfeminism 2.0, was […]

    Feminist Playing WoW

     photo by juanpol Given that World of Warcraft (WoW) now has over 12 million players worldwide (myself included) I suppose I should not have been surprised at the scholarly attention given to the game (don’t believe me?). However, Jessica L. Beyer‘s article, “Women’s (Dis)embodied Engagement with Male-Dominated Online Communities,” in Cyberfeminism 2.0, was […]

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