Dawn Alterman

Dawn Alterman, P ’12

Parent of Tyler Alterman ’12, Hunter College, Communications Design

Macaulay: Can you share with us some biographical background?

Dawn Alterman: I’m from Black Rock, Connecticut and we have resided in Mahopac, New York for the last 14 years. My husband, Bruce, grew up in Mount Vernon, NY. He owns a New York investigation firm. I am a caseworker with the Putnam County Child Support Collection Unit. Bruce and I met on Bleecker Street in ’84 and were married at a little stone church in the middle of Harriman State Park. We have two children, Tyler, who is also a J.K. Watson Fellow and Chelsea, a senior at Mahopac High School who wants to study languages in college.

M: What determined your involvement and interest in the events you attended at Macaulay?

DA: My family tries to attend as many events at the [Macaulay] Center as possible. It is always stimulating. We particularly enjoyed the Macaulay Arts Night and the CUNY Film Festival. We recently heard the artist Peter Sacks speak about his paintings. He was brilliant! Anything that involves the arts is of interest to our family, as I am an artist, my husband is a writer, Tyler is a graphic designer and my daughter, Chelsea, is a poet. We are inspired by the spectrum of talent we’ve been exposed to at the Macaulay Center.

M: As a parent, what do you do that has contributed to your child’s success?

DA: I have always taught my children to be inquisitive, kind, open-minded and generous with their time.