scientific posters

I’ll be in class on Monday (11/05) to do an overview of conceptualizing and creating a scientific poster. In order maximize our time together, I thought it would be a good idea to create this post (as well as an accompanying blog page) to provide you with a general overview of conceptualizing and organizing a scientific poster as well as to provide you with a basic guide for creating a poster with PowerPoint.

After reviewing the materials please use the comments section of this post for any questions or concerns you may have. I will cover these materials in class as well as present some posters from years past. We’ll also discuss good/bad design, informational crowding, flow/navigation and presentation practices.

Reviewing these materials in advance of our class and using our time together on Monday to clarify anything which you feel is not sufficiently addressed or clarified by these materials would be in everyone’s best interest. Feel free to bring your questions to class, but posting them here on the blog prior to Monday would be ideal in that it will help me to tailor my presentation to better fit your concerns.


  • The Biology Department at Swarthmore College has developed a web site for designing scientific posters: Advice on designing scientific posters. The web site covers motivational advice, poster layout (Title, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, References, Acknowledgments, etc…), avoiding common mistakes, and presenting your poster. The sections on poster layout and avoiding common mistakes are particularly helpful.
  • A collection of scientific posters has been organized on Flickr, here. Each picture includes a blurb by the poster’s creator discussing the poster. This could be useful for design ideas.
  • I’ve created a page within the blog and posted a general ‘how to’ guide for creating posters with PowerPoint: Creating A Poster With PowerPoint. It would be good to review these steps and see if they make sense to you. Let me know if anything is unclear or if you feel any ’steps’ are missing so that I can fine-tune this guide for you.

Again, please use the comment section of this post for your questions/concerns. See everyone on Monday.

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