Newt Gingrich Answers Your Questions

Newt Gingrich Answers Your Questions

Posted by dblondell on Sat, 03/15/2008 - 00:25

Newt Gingrich had this to say in an interview on the NY Times "Freakanomics" blog (14 March 2008 -

"What we face worldwide in the aftermath of 9/11 isn’t a conflict between different models of government; it’s a conflict between the civilized world — which respects the rights of men and women and includes people of all countries and all faiths, including Islam — and the irreconcilable wing of Islam, which is so totally at odds with the civilized world’s views of the rights of the individual that there is no way to reconcile the two world views. Conflict is unavoidable."

The article is a good read, apocalyptic tendencies notwithstanding.  Worth noting: Gingrich's new book is titled Real Change: From the World that Fails to the World that Works.