&nbsp; - concert http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/bergman09/taxonomy/term/71/0 en Alexander String Quartet http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/bergman09/content/alexander-string-quartet-4 <p>Baruch College has a recital hall. That was probably the most shocking news I heard all year. I thought maybe the concert was just be in a room where they just happened to set up music stands. I had no idea we had an actual hall. When I saw this hall, it actually gave me hope as a Weismenn major. Sometimes the school focuses so much on Zicklin, it seems they lose sight of everyone else. So, seeing this recital hall, I already went into this concert with a positive attitude. Each of the three sections composed of beautiful music.</p> <p><a href="http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/bergman09/content/alexander-string-quartet-4" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/bergman09/content/alexander-string-quartet-4#comments concert Sat, 21 Nov 2009 22:25:49 +0000 Jerrica Williams 385 at http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/bergman09 Alexander String Quartet http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/bergman09/content/alexander-string-quartet-2 <p>&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; The Alexander String Quartet provided a completely different experience than the China Festival&rsquo;s Class of 78&rsquo; performance did at Carnegie Hall. Even though the concert hall at Carnegie Hall was lavish and intimate, I actually felt closer to the performers at the Baruch Performing Art Center. It was the first time I had seen the recital hall and was pleasantly surprised. As I continue to become accustomed to Baruch, I am always finding aspects of the building's architecture that I admire.</p> <p><a href="http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/bergman09/content/alexander-string-quartet-2" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/bergman09/content/alexander-string-quartet-2#comments baruch concert sara Fri, 20 Nov 2009 19:30:26 +0000 sarasanders 379 at http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/bergman09 String Quartet http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/bergman09/content/string-quartet <p>&nbsp;I was happy that one of this event was right here in Baruch. I was surprised to see that there were older people attending. I assumed it would have been students from Baruch or other campuses. The music was really beautiful. I admire the violin and other string instruments so much because I find it so incredibly hard. Not only do you have to know what to touch but you need to know how to play it. A lot of skill must be involved in that. I also really liked the kind of music. I find classical music to be so calming, yet thought provoking at the same time.</p> <p><a href="http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/bergman09/content/string-quartet" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/bergman09/content/string-quartet#comments concert Natasha who we are Thu, 19 Nov 2009 18:53:06 +0000 NLopez786 376 at http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/bergman09 Alexander String Quartet http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/bergman09/content/alexander-string-quartet-1 <p>&lt;!--StartFragment--></p> <p><a href="http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/bergman09/content/alexander-string-quartet-1" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/bergman09/content/alexander-string-quartet-1#comments concert deborah sebrow Thu, 19 Nov 2009 05:08:19 +0000 deborah.sebrow 371 at http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/bergman09 Alexander String Quartet @ BPAC http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/bergman09/content/alexander-string-quartet-bpac <p>On Monday, November 16th the Alexander String Quartet was playing at Baruch's Performing Arts Center and the Guest artist was the viola player. They played&nbsp;Felix Mendelssohn's String Quartet in A minor and&nbsp;String Quintet in B-flat major and&nbsp;Robert Schumann's String Quartet in A minor. &nbsp;There were four musicians who played together throughout the entire concert.&nbsp;</p> <p><a href="http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/bergman09/content/alexander-string-quartet-bpac" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/bergman09/content/alexander-string-quartet-bpac#comments baruch concert jolene nyc Thu, 19 Nov 2009 02:53:43 +0000 Jolene 369 at http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/bergman09 A dance of bows http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/bergman09/content/dance-bows <p>As I had entered the Alexander Sting Quartet performance at Baruch I promised myself to break the everlasting love hate relationship between classical music and me. I decided to look for elements that I had never noticed before, something that will help me stay focus, and appreciate what I was presented with.</p> <p><a href="http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/bergman09/content/dance-bows" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/bergman09/content/dance-bows#comments baruch concert Patty who we are Wed, 18 Nov 2009 05:14:19 +0000 Patty 365 at http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/bergman09 Alexander String Quartet http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/bergman09/content/alexander-string-quartet-0 <p>&nbsp;The Alexander String Quartet performance was done by obvious skilled professionals. From the moment they began, I noticed that their melodies were so in sync and pleasant to the ear. I noticed some techniques in particular of these 4 musicians. In one instance, 3 of the musicians would play the same tunes while one drew more attention than the others by subtly playing different notes.</p> <p><a href="http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/bergman09/content/alexander-string-quartet-0" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/bergman09/content/alexander-string-quartet-0#comments baruch concert maxilia Wed, 18 Nov 2009 00:57:20 +0000 maxilia 363 at http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/bergman09 music is great ! http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/bergman09/content/music-great <p>On Friday I decided to accompany my friend to watch her favorite musical artist, Ryan Leslie, perform at the Nokia Theatre in Times Square. To be honest, I wasn't exactly excited to go because I hardly listen to his music and I didn't think much of him as a musical artist. I thought he was an excellent musical producer but that was about it. After the concert on Friday, I have to say my whole perception as him as an artist completely changed. He is extremely talented not only did he sing beautifully but he also played multiple instruments such as the piano and guitar really well.</p> <p><a href="http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/bergman09/content/music-great" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/bergman09/content/music-great#comments aimee concert Mon, 09 Nov 2009 01:58:07 +0000 aimee_xoxo 320 at http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/bergman09 Carnegie Hall Concert http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/bergman09/content/carnegie-hall-concert <p>The concert at Carnegie Hall we went to last Monday was my first concert of that kind. I've been to concerts before but obviously the experinece you get from a concert at Carnegie Hall is way different then the one you get at a Metallica concert. I really enjoyed the concert at Carnegie Hall. I really was unsure whether or not it would interest me. When I walked into the room where the concert was being held, I was suprised that it was so small. I actually really liked the fact that it was a small auditorium. That room was beautiful.</p> <p><a href="http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/bergman09/content/carnegie-hall-concert" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/bergman09/content/carnegie-hall-concert#comments concert nyc nyc arts who we are Tue, 03 Nov 2009 15:32:03 +0000 Michelle Ranello 301 at http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/bergman09 Oriental spices to classical flavors http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/bergman09/content/oriental-spices-classical-flavors <p>&ldquo;Ancient Path Modern Voices&rdquo; is a festival celebrating Chinese culture organized by Carnegie Hall. Attending it was an experience that changed my perspective on the classical music. I, who am not very fond of traditional music, because as I am not musically educated I do not understand it, liked it. To me, as the music does not have lyrics and most of the time is somewhat slow, it resembles a noise rather than a song. At the same time an oeuvre is not a song but a symphony.</p> <p><a href="http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/bergman09/content/oriental-spices-classical-flavors" target="_blank">read more</a></p> http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/bergman09/content/oriental-spices-classical-flavors#comments concert Patty who we are Mon, 02 Nov 2009 04:53:52 +0000 Patty 298 at http://macaulay.cuny.edu/seminars/bergman09