Seminar Basecamp Site

From Prof. Elston's Wiki

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Go to (Basecamp link)and enter your user name and password. Your user name and initial password is the same as the ones for the Mediawiki – “Firstname.lastname” and “nycsustain”.

In the lower right-hand portion of the page, under the heading “Your Projects,” will be a list of projects that you can access. Go to the project titled “Reading Assignments.”

In the upper right-hand corner of the page, next to the logout button, is a button titled “My Info.” Click on this to go to your account page.

The first set of boxes on your account page contains basic required information. Make sure that your name is spelled correctly, and that the email address given contains no typos and is an address that you check regularly.

The next set of boxes allows you to change your username and password. If you choose to do so, make sure you remember it. The initial password for each student is the same, “hunter”.

At the bottom of your account page, there is a field to upload images. Use this to upload a photo of yourself—this should be the same portrait that you upload to the Mediawiki. The idea is just to help put names to faces.

Remember to click on “Upload Photo” and “Save Changes.” In the upper right-hand portion of the page, you will see the results of the updates once they have been saved. Make sure everything is satisfactory.

Click on the “Overview” tab near the top left-hand part of the page to return to the Reading Assignments project. Click "file" on the top menu, then sort the files by "A-Z" and you will see most of your reading assignments (with the exception of The Omnivore's Dilemma) organized by the due date for you to complete the reading.

Once the Research Teams are organized, we will set up a project for each Team.

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