Decoding New York

Chinatown Flushing: Here v. There

From Decoding New York

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* What's Real
* Here v. There
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Brooklyn 8th Avenue
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Residents of Flushing appear to be proud of their culture without indulging in it. A very important component of this pride and Flushing's character is the use of Mandarin which is spoken everywhere. Since Chinatown evolved as a Cantonese-speaking enclave, Mandarin-speakers created a new community in order to feel more at home. This was possible due to the higher level of education of many Taiwanese immigrants, who generally were able to support a family through higher level jobs. Although another ethnic community, there is a large mix of ethnicities living in Flushing. While signs are often in Chinese, Korean, English, and Spanish, the Chinese community still generally only recognizes Mandarin as part of the mother tongue. Flushing has managed to successfully maintain its authenticity as an ethnic enclave. Goods sold in stores are exactly what one would find in China or Taiwan, food served in restaurants is exactly what one could eat, and dialects spoken on the street are undiluted. Flushing and Eighth Avenue have replaced Chinatown as the first stop for Chinese immigrants, which directly contributed to the level of authenticity in those neighborhoods.

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