Talk:Main Page

From The Peopling of NYC

We will want someone to discuss the advantages and disadvantages we saw in having smaller groups working on individual neighborhoods, as opposed to having everyone work on a single area.

Did the project work well this way? Would it have been better for everyone to focus on a single neighborhood or ethnic group?

In a similar vein, what worked well about this class? What did not?

[edit] Possible Threads that unify all of our papers:

Global City?

[edit] On the Main Page

What connects our projects?
How do we differ from other classes and schools?
This is a thesis page!
What are our strengths? Our weaknesses?

My idea that we could introduce the seminars through examples of projects, and then go through a "practices good and not-so-good" session as a means of highlighting the best practices and our individual experiences. Real pedagogical theory is something however that is much more intense and needs to be learned over time through continual observation and study, which is why I feel that looking at practices and methods is a good way to start.

And again, I think that we need to frame it in such a way that people can be excited about what we do, and not have people concerned and overwhelmed. The most important question to answer for new people is: "what is it that we do?"