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Samuel Landau

I was born in Maimonides Hospital in Brooklyn, New York on May 26th 1991. That was my first day as a New Yorker. My parents are Jewish immigrants from Europe, and that without question molded me into a completely different creature. On the Sabbath my home was a festival with guests and food galore. During the week everyone did his or her own business, that’s the New York part.
Being brought up in New York is definitely a major factor in my make-up. I love the train, j walk like I have a death wish, and eat hot dogs from vendors I know I shouldn’t. Along with that I have a broad sense of the world. Does that sound arrogant? Either way it’s true. So much of the world is literally controlled by this small coastal city. An interesting teacher once told me that New York City could halt the world’s finances if it really wanted to.
Although I live in Brooklyn, am like to think of myself as a displaced person. Any chance I get I take a train to the golden land. New York is my Israel and Manhattan in my Zion. Manhattan reminds me of my snow globe collection, yes I know collecting snow globes is “awesome.” In such a small space, all of the world’s nations are represented. Sure it’s a lame analogy, but I think it works nicely.

Samuel Landau