
structure of the script and some suggested scenes

I’ve seen neither the Amazing Race nor 24, but in my mind the first couple of scenes are of each of us stepping out of our doors with the times displayed in the corner. This initial scene will show all of us on a split screen. After this we will zoom into one of our commutes and follow the person until a defective transportation situation “creates drama”. These defective transportation situations will be one of the five core themes. Each of us could “assume” a core theme in our transportation since there are five students. While each of us is struggling to commute to the Macaulay Center from our respective homes, we can show Dr. Peters calmly waiting for us in the classroom (sipping coffee, reading the paper, etc.). The quality of our tiresome commutes will enhance when this calm scene is juxtaposed against our commuting scenes. This scene will also infuse a dramatic game element that I gather is a central theme of the Amazing Race and 24. After we have run through the five transit problems we could show each of us scrambling to get into the building running, tripping, etc. When we finally make it upstairs we each walk into the classroom calmly and composed as though our commutes didn’t disturb us. Then Dr. Peters gazes up at us from his paper and asks us if we “had trouble getting in today”, upon which we end the movie.  


Mildly cynical humor is an important part of understanding my idea, otherwise it sounds a bit corny!

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