Siwen Liao’s Final Podcast

5 Responses to “Siwen Liao’s Final Podcast”

  1. Eilene Says:

    YAY we finally get to hear siwen’s!!! if u didn’t show the picture of the peanuts, i would’ve never guessed that u were eating them. i like how it was really calm until u started cooking. i hear a wok! LOL i didnt know that u burp while u cook…that’s kinda weird.

  2. lu8943 Says:

    interesting piece, I really like the ending. so were u eating? I thought u were brushing ur teeth and then taking a shower…

  3. siwenliao Says:

    lol, guys it wasnt me eating, it was my brother, and he purposedly burped so the piece wouldn’t be that boring. And Lu I wasnt taking a shower or brushing my teeth. I only did the cooking and the recording, lol.

  4. Wendy Huang Says:

    Siwen, your piece is not boring at all! I laughed out loud while watching/listening to it! It had smooth transitions and funny captions. I think this piece is kind of a sequel to your spoken word piece. You were hungry for your last project, and you were cooking and eating and burping for this project. loll

  5. syed hassan Says:

    I agree with Wendy, this felt like a continuation of your last project. You were hungry before, so this time you decided to cook. brilliant

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