Visual Diary

§ December 9th, 2008 § Filed under Assignments, Visual Diary, waterfalls

Our trip to the NYC Waterfalls was very enjoyable. To me the trip was more about building friendships then actually just going to check out the waterfalls.  I’m sure everyone in the class would normally have better things to do with their Wednesday nights then stay out late in the city to go on a boat ride.  However, I think it’s a beautiful thing that a group of people who didn’t know each other just a mere 4 weeks ago can hang out after school and have a great time no matter what they’re doing. It is especially significant that we do these things now as a transition from the high school setting to the college setting. Back in my high school I basically knew everybody and I was able to see my close group of friends everyday.  Now, I’m with a group of people I’ve never seen before and yet we are still able to become friends through the time we spend together on these trips. Building these friendships now will definitely smoothen out the transition phase and give the college setting a more familiar and enjoyable experience.

Mo1 Mo2

Mo3 Mo4

~~~Morris Dabbah

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