October Cultural Passport - Fuerzabruta

§ December 15th, 2008 § Filed under Cultural Passport, October

Fuerzabruta literally means “brute force” in Spanish. The production begins with actor Freddie Bosche walking on a treadmill. As things pass him, he gradually increases his pace. He keeps getting shot, but continues. Somehow, he finds a way out of the situation and meets other people. They then proceed to have a party filled with dancing. Although I did not like Fuerzabnruta, it did give me one message. People do not always need to use brute force; violence is not always necessary. We must learn how to abandon force in order to embrace peace.


This life revolves around chaos; and uses Fuerzabruta
Wars and guns just abuse Fuerzabruta

The chase, the hunt, is misguided
This practice is profuse Fuerzabruta

The act of running, is taken for granted
We all too often misuse Fuerzabruta

The act of dance, its power
Is the best way to reduce Fuerzabruta

Women can be the only, the last, token of peace
They choose to refuse Fuerzabruta

Water drains, our foundations, the soul
We must diffuse Fuerzabruta

The act of survival depends
On the power to disuse Fuerzabruta

Carissa Dech

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