Andrey Grebenetsky-Cover Statement

§ December 18th, 2008 § Filed under Cultural Passport, Portfolio: Cultural Passport

Writing this cultural passport portfolio was a truly gratifying experience.  I got to document my personal growth from the beginning to the end of my first semester of college.  In the beginning, I felt like I was being dragged kicking and screaming, and it was reflected in my writing.  Towards the end of the semester, I began to realize the significance of the cultural passport and of art as a whole, and that too was reflected in my writing. 

            In the past four months, I have seen and experienced more art as well as varieties of art than I have seen in my past eighteen years.  There is a little bit of wordplay in that statement.  I have attended more art displays in my past eighteen years, but I have SEEN more in the past four months. 

            In the past, I would go somewhere and take in the art at face value if at all.  It just didn’t interest me past the physical realm of what it was and how it looked.  If I disagreed or disliked something, it had no chance, and now, that has all changed.

            I can now go to any show, exhibit, or presentation with an open mind and an appreciation.  If I enjoy something, that’s great.  If I do not, I now have the capacity to appreciate it anyway, for the effort put into it and its message.  I can now see the good in something I do not like.  “Why do other people like this form of art?”  

            I have changed my writing style and my capacity as a writer.  I can speak with a voice worth listening to because I look at something on several levels instead of just one.  I can write more eloquently and passionately because I appreciate everything I see whether I enjoy it or not.  Once again, I started out kicking and screaming, but it was all for the best and a great start to college and my love of life as a whole.  In other words, I am “in touch,” now.  Thank you, Professor Tenneriello.  

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